How quickly time passes and seasons change .

Summer ends, the fall breeze blows , and winter is forgotten, making way for the heralds of spring and Spring Festival in Tokyo .

The year 2014 welcomed the 10th anniversary of Spring Festival in Tokyo, and 2015 will mark the beginning of the next 10 years .

With the end of the cold winter , the scent of spring spreads.

And in a month’s time we see the cherry blossoms bloom and their petals fall softly like snow .

Spring Festival in Tokyo began in hopes of filling the month and Ueno Park with the elegance and beauty of the cherry blossoms and music .

When the cherry blossoms bring a touch of spring to Ueno Park , we welcome you to Spring Festival in Tokyo , filled with music and cherry blossoms for you to enjoy .


【 period 】  March 13 , 2015 (fryday ) ~ June 12 , 2015 (sanday )

【 Venue 】  Each facility in the ueno park   ( Tokyo Bunka Kaikan ・Each museum )

【 Hours 】   11:00  ~ 19:00

【 Closed 】  March / 16 , 19 , 23 , 27 , 30       April / 6

【 Admission 】  For more information , please visit the official website .

Official website  http://www.tokyo-harusai.com/index.html

About 10min walk at our hotel ♪